We are beginning week two of our Kelley family adventure. This week though Jennifer is at her parents with the little boys and I am speaking at a teen camp. This is my second year to speak for the Church at White Station out of Memphis. Their teen camp is very well run. I love the interaction I see between adults and students as both lean in to the word and will of God.
I have been tasked with speaking on the theme of "both/and". Jesus is both Savior and Lord. It is a continuous challenge to find creative ways to connect the story of scripture with teens who live in a techno world. As I have been thinking through the saving work of God, I continue to be humbled by the overwhelming presence of HIS complete love. But like most, the challenge for me is to remain in the presence of Christ the Lord. I love being reminded He has saved me. I don't always like being reminded He is Lord. That His will is perfect. His way is the way. I struggle with going my own way and doing my own thing.
These past seven months of transition have been a test of following Jesus as Lord. From hearing His call to move to California and planting a church, to leaving the security of an "established" church with people we love and that loved us, each day has been a call to surrender. What we have found is that God is faithful. He has provided. He has given us people to love and that in turn have loved us. He is showing us His will. He is maturing our faith and challenging our view of life. This week of camp is reminding me that life is just a big camping trip.
As I look back over this transition, what I see is my faith and comfort were in what I had in the place I was in and not necessarily in God. I had become settled and secure in what was before me and not so much in the God who had called me. I am hopeful this week my story will be a picture of God's desire for our lives to be fully submitted and committed to Jesus as Lord. After all, the important thing isn't about where we find ourselves on a map, but what Christ is doing inside us wherever we are.
I really liked the phrase, "the important thing isn't about where we find ourselves on a map, but what Christ is doing inside us wherever we are." That's a good reminder to me as I long for some things that are going to be 'easier' for me when we get 'home' next yer.