Thursday, November 3, 2011

the six week lesson

It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.  The blessed six lesson week.  I am honored to be doing a men's retreat for the Bridgeway Church this weekend.  I only know a few guys from this church so it will be a great opportunity to meet new people and share the story of Christ in my life.  That is fun, but challenging.  This is a large church with a really good teaching Pastor so they are used to good material.  Over the weekend I will share with them four times and I am really excited about that.  Before heading up the hill to the possibility of a snow covered retreat facility, I am leading my new men's bible study on the book of Ephesians.  This is our second week and I am loving this opportunity.  The sixth lesson of the weekend is for GCC.  I will speak at 9am Sunday morning for the retreat then drive down the hill to E. V. Cain and share with our church.

My mind is running in all directions and at this point the file folders are more than a little unorganized.  I am thinking through the material and praying for a divine movement of the Holy Spirit to make sense of it all.  Oh and the Saturday evening session of the retreat is in the middle of the Alabama vs LSU football game.  What was I thinking???  Oh well, the six lesson week will be fun and exhausting.  Prayers gladly welcome!

1 comment:

  1. First, I think that will be a great game. My ten yr old has been asking me what I think about it for two day's, love him!
    Second, what you aim to give away, you may in the end, be the greater recipient of. Sounds like you will be so busy doing God's will that you may not have time to do a whole lot of think'n on the subject. Which is generally when the Holy Spirit taps "me" on the shoulder and then hits me straight between the eyes! Drive safely and we will be praying. You are a doer, not just a sayer Pastor Kelley. God's blessing's - Sarah Evensen
