Saturday, August 18, 2012

I went to Santa Cruz yesterday.  No it wasn't a fun at beach day, though it was a chance to ride the motorcycle four hundred miles.  A friend that is very familiar with the area went with me to search for the son of my good friends.  This young man had decided months back that he would leave the east coast to live on the west coast and make a living with his guitar.  It had been a month since their last contact with him.

I really don't know what I expected yesterday as the search was akin to needle in a haystack, but felt compelled to try.  I was blessed that my friend Mike led me there and helped me search.  It really was a blessing to know someone would join me in an impossible search and a long ride.  I was also blessed with other offers of help and many, many prayers.  Have I said lately that I love my church!

Well after a day of looking and nothing really solid, except for other street musicians saying they hadn't seen him in a couple of weeks, the young man has made contact and is safe!  Today I received a call from his parents that he had made contact.  Praise God!  It appears that strange people calling numbers and asking questions has an effect.

I can't fathom what was going through the parents minds as a month went by with no contact.  And then the relief to hear his voice.  So much to be said about our own silence towards God and His compassionate response when we do reach out.  I won't say the obvious, but will offer that God is gracious and at work.  Maybe my journey to search wasn't about the young many, but about the man that went in search...  You just never know what God is up to!

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