Sunday, September 25, 2011


Well GCC survived their first day of me talking about our Shepherding model of Leadership.  The response was positive and it presented many opportunities to pray over people today.  The thing that was really exciting was seeing different groups of people gathering together and praying over situations and people in need.  I was honored to pray over several as was my fellow Pastor Mike.

The desire we have is to provide safe pasture for people to explore faith, find healing, and connect with other believers.  Safe pasture means:
    relationships with fellow believers are deep and restorative
 worship flows, not from techniques but from hearts communing with God 

  the Gospel’s promises are not carrots used to attract people, but experienced realities that bring hope
Jesus, the Great Shepherd, shows up in Transformative ways that the corporate ceo approach can’t produce             
  we are authentic, transparent, and committed to loving our community as we first love the God who formed and     
  redeemed us
God is doing a great work here in Auburn CA.  The challenge is to not get in HiS way and quench the Spirit's work!

Friday, September 23, 2011


One of the toughest tasks for me in this church plant is in developing church leadership.  It is among the biggest decisions that need to be made.  As a process, we are in the early stages.  Seven months in to the plant, we are now at the early stages of sharing with the church our view of church leadership.  This Sunday I will talk about a Shepherding model of leading.  It is a very different view from what most have experienced with a CEO model or a board of directors.

Shepherding is the biblical picture of providing nurture, care, teaching, reconciliation, Spiritual feeding, prayer, and other relational ministry characteristics for the church.  I am hopeful of what this model will facilitate in Northern California as we live it out.  Of course as with anything, it has everything to do with how our people respond to the implications of the gospel.

God is doing an amazing work here in the foothills.   Relationships are being restored, ministry is happening as people love on others, sacrificial service is being poured out, and people are gathering together to study and pray.  It is a time for Leadership to enhance, not get in the way.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today marked a pivotal moment in time for our nation.  But there have been many "anniversaries" that are marked with pain and loss.  Pearl Harbor, War in general for that matter, Kennedy's assassination, Space Shuttle Challenger exploding on ascent and Space Shuttle Columbia breaking up on descent from space, Columbine school shooting, Hurricanes and Tornadoes, and the list goes on and on.  We have a history of momentous events that changed the lives of many.  There are also the individual anniversaries that are hard to deal with.  The loss of loved ones, health issues, divorces, and the list goes on and on.  That is not to be trite, but just the reality that life happens hard and fast.
Remembering can be difficult, but also healing.  We need to remember more the presence of God in our adversity.  We need to remember the love He poured out and the work He is doing within us.  We need to remember that He hasn't abandoned us.  Our lives are under constant attack, but God, who is rich in mercy,  is at work to transform us.  

I will remember today for a whole new set of reasons.  Today was our first 9/11 in California.  We had an incredible worship time at GCC.  Rick Turton surrendered his life and named Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior.  God showed up and reminded me how he has overcome in my life.  And the list goes on and on....

Sunday, September 4, 2011

first California wedding

Well it had to happen sooner or later; my first California wedding.  I was helping a friend out and conducted a sight unseen wedding.  I prefer to know the couple and work with them through premarital counseling.  As I said I was helping out a friend.

You know it is going to be an interesting wedding when the bride hands you a two page document and says, "don't say anything that is not on my sheet".  By the way, they wanted to use the term "holy matrimony", but didn't want God mentioned.  I am not quite sure how that works.  I failed in that by the way.  I kept mentioning God and therefor said what wasn't on her sheet.  I probably won't get invited back to do another for her.

Oh well......