Saturday, April 2, 2011


Over the next few weeks our church plant will hopefully finish our legal "stuff" and move forward as a state recognized ministry.  One of the changes that will be coming is the change of name.  Gold Country Church is a connection to the colloquial name of the region, but not the simple warm name I hope to be known for.  I am aware that the people living the way of Christ is what will speak to the community about who we are, but I am also aware that the name will be a form of invitation and keyhole to who we desire to be.
We are going to add the word CONNECT to the front of the name Gold Country Church.  Legally it is the easiest way to make the change without having to start over.  We will simply use the name CONNECT.  Our desire is to be a relational discipleship church.  We are desiring to connect people in relationships to their GOD and new friends.  People matter and all people need relationships.  The name goes much deeper but for now suffice it to say it is a subtle reminder that we are about relationships.
Last night we had the blessing of hosting seven new friends in our home.  It was incredible watching as conversations naturally flowed over dinner.  The beauty of investing our lives in others and being a community that cares is the essence of who we are in Christ.
As a people junky, I was energized by the connections over dinner.  The joy of hearing others share their hopes and vision of community was tremendous.  I am trusting each of the friends that joined us were as blessed as Jennifer and I.  CONNECT!  I like it when that happens!

1 comment:

  1. Love what the word implies! I don't know how it came about, I hope because some one has been attending, and that's the feeling they got. Look forward to many more Sunday's of CONNECTING!
